Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS) Delhi has published advertisement for recruitment of candidates for following posts. Persons who are eligible and interested to get job in IHBAS are advised to attend the walk in interview at following date, time and venue.Walk in Interviews will be held on 09.11.2010 at 2.00 P.M. in the Chamber of Director, IHBAS for filling up the following post on contract basis for the project titled. “Mobile Mental Health Unit (MMHU)”. 1. Medical Officer: Total Posts: 02 Qualification: MBBS with training in Mental Health. Salary: 35000/- P. M. (Fixed) Period: One Year. 2. Counselor: Total Posts: 02 Qualification: MSW or M.A. (Psychology). Salary: 22000/- P. M. (Fixed) Period: One Year. 3. Staff Nurse: Total Posts: 02 Qualification:...