ESIC Uttar Pradesh Inviting the applications from the eligible candidates for the following posts :Name of the post & vacancies : 1. Upper Division Clerk (UDC) : 14 posts2. Multitasking Staff (MTS) : 61 postsEligibility Criteria : DegreeLocation : KanpurLast Date : 24th January 2012How to apply : Apply Online at ESIC UP website on or before 24/01/2012 then a print of the filled in form may be taken and signed and then sent along with D.D. towards payment of fee at the following address on or before 07/02/2012 (14/02/2012 for far-flung areas) :Regional Director, Regional Office, E.S.I. Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur-208005CLICK...