Tuesday, July 19, 2011

IOCL Recruitment 2011 - Apply for latest jobs in Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Gujarat Refinery going to recruit Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) and Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation) in July – Aug 2011 recruitment project at IndianOil’s Gujarat Refinery situated at Vadodara. There are total 34 vacancies. Candidates who are interested and fulfilling eligibility criteria may apply through prescribed application format (download now within the last date 15th Aug, 2011

IOCL Recruitment 2011 details

1. Post Code: 01 / 2011
Post Name: Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)
No of vacancies: 30 (Likely Reservation: SC-02, ST-02, OBC-09)
2. Post Code: 02 / 2011
Post Name: Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation)
No of vacancies: 04 (Likely Reservation: ST-01)

Minimum Qualification and Experience
For Post Code No. 1/2011 - Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Production)

* B.Sc. with Chemistry as principal subject and Physics and Math as subsidiary subjects / Diploma in Chemical / Petrochemical Engineering with First Class (Pass Class for SC/ST). The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized Board / Institution / University and as a regular student of full time course.
* Minimum 2 years experience in operation (in rotating shift) of pump house, fired heater, compressor, distillation column, reactor in a petroleum refinery, petrochemical or fertilizer / gas processing industry.
* Experience should be post-qualification only, excluding training & apprenticeship period.

For Post Code No. 2/2011 - Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Instrumentation)

* Diploma in Industrial Electronics OR Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering OR Diploma in Electronics & Communication OR Post Graduate Diploma in Instrumentation & Control with First Class (Pass Class for SC/ST). The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized Institution / University and as a regular student of full time course.
* Minimum 3 years experience in operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of Distributed Control System (DCS) and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) preferably in Petroleum Refinery, Petrochemicals, Fertilizer, large size Power Plant.
* Experience should be post-qualification only, excluding training & apprenticeship period.

Age Limit
Minimum 18 years and maximum 26 years, as on 01/07/2011. Relaxation in age by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates. Age relaxation for Ex-servicemen as per rules.

Selection Methodology
The candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria/ experience requirement will undergo Written Test. Candidates short-listed after the written test shall be subjected to Personal Interview. Candidates will have to qualify at each stage of selection process successfully for being adjudged suitable for final selection.

Application fee
Candidates are required to send a crossed Demand Draft of Rs.100/- (non-refundable) as application fee in favor of ‘ACCOUNTS OFFICER, GUJARAT REFINERY’, payable at Vadodara along with the Application Form. No other mode of payment shall be accepted. (SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee).

Important link: Advertisement and application form

How to apply
Candidates should super scribe the Name of Post Applied for & Post Code, on the top of the envelope. The applications are to be sent to: Chief Human Resource Manager, Gujarat Refinery, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., PO: Jawaharnagar, Dist: Vadodara – 391 320, latest by 15/08/2011.

MNNIT Allahabad Recruitment 2011 - www.mnnit.ac.in - Complete details, Apply Now

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad-211004 (UP) invites applications through Advertisement No. 01/2011/ to recruit eligible candidates for following positions on contract basis. Advertisement published under July – Aug 2011 recruitment project at official website: www.mnnit.ac.in. Persons who are interested and fulfilling all eligibility conditions according to the advertisement may apply through prescribed application format witnin last date i.e. 29th July, 2011

MNNIT Recruitment 2011 details

Technical Manpower

* Departments
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Applied Mechanics (Bio. Tech.) Electrical Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering.
* Qualifications: First class Diploma of minimum 3 years duration in appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology.
* Experience: 1 Year in Industry/Educational/R&D Institutions.

Civil Engineering Department

* Qualifications: First class Diploma of minimum 3 years duration in appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology. OR First class B.Sc/M.Sc degree in appropriate branch of Science such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics etc.
* Experience: 1 Year in Industry/Educational/R&D Institutions.

School of Management Studies

* Qualifications: First Class Diploma of minimum 3 years duration or Degree in Media & Mass Communication or PG Diploma in Media & Mass Communication of duration not less than one year duration.
* Experience: 1 Year in Media & Mass Communication in Industry/Educational/R & D Institutions.

Auto CAD in Civil Maintenance

* Qualifications: Diploma in Civil Engineering/Architectural Assistant ship with knowledge of Auto CAD or any other drafting software.
* Experience: 1 year experience of Auto CAD drawing in Industry/Educational/R & D Institutions.

Junior Engineer (Civil Maintenance/Electrical Maintenance)

* Qualifications: First class diploma three years duration in Civil Engineering /Electrical Maintenance
* Experience: 1 year in relevant field.

Academic Support staff

* Qualifications: Minimum Graduate (with English as a subject) with certificated/diploma in Computer usage. Good knowledge in English is essential PG degree with English as a subject will be preferred.
* Experience: 1 year in working on Computer for preparing report, presentation, educational material etc. http://www.recruitment4u.in

Consolidated salary ranging between Rs. 8,000-10,000/- per month consolidated inclusive of all, depending on qualification and experience.

Age limit:
Preferably below 28 years with relaxation of 5 years and 3 years for SC/ST and OBC candidates respectively.

Important link: Advertisement and Application format

How to Apply
The application form alongwith details of educational qualifications, experience and other requirements for these positions are available on Institute website http://www.mnnit.ac.in. Filled in application form, alongwith all supporting documents must be submitted, so as to reach the following address latest by 29.07.2011 upto 5.30 p.m.

The Registrar
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad - 211004

Saturday, July 16, 2011

BHEL Recruitment 2011 for Engineers - Apply Online Now

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) open vacancies for 172 Engineers in E2/ E3/ E4/ E5/ E6 Grades. Only online applications will be accept by the company. Persons who are eligible and interested for above said posts may visit bhelrpdcareers.bhelrpt.co.in website for complete advertisement and detailed instruction about online application registration.

BHEL Recruitment 2011 details
BHEL invites bright Experienced Engineering Professionals for its Research & Product Development and Engineering functions :

1. Engineers in E2/ E3/ E4/ E5/ E6 Grades : 172 posts in various units of BHEL

Candidates will be selected in following levels :

* Sr. Engineer (E2) Rs. 29100-54500
* Dy. Manager (E3) Rs. 32900-58000
* Manager (E4) Rs. 36600-62000
* Sr Manager (E5) Rs. 43200-66000
* Dy Gen Manager (E6) Rs. 43200-66000

Qualifications / Experience
The Post wise – location wise details of qualifications and functional experience requirements Click to view

How to Apply
Apply Online at BHEL website from 15/07/2011 to 06/08/2011 only. After submitting the application ON-LINE, candidates are required, to take two print-outs of this Acknowledgement Slip. Retain one copy of Acknowledgement Slip with them. Send the other copy of Acknowledgment slip by ordinary post along with enclosures in a cover superscribing "Application for the Post Code ________ Grade _____________ " to : Dy General Manager (HR), BHEL Corporate R&D, Vikasnagar, Hyderabad - 500093, Andhra Pradesh so as to reach on or before 13/08/2011 (20/08/2011 for candidates of far-flung areas).

Important dares

* Starts of online submission of Applications 15.07.2011
* Close of online submission 06.08.2011
* Last date for receipt of acknowledgement slip 13.08.2011
* Last date for receipt of ackowledegement slip from far flung areas 20.08.2011

Important Instructions
1. Applications are to be submitted on-line only. No other form of application will be entertained.
2. Candidates are requested to read the advertisement, Unit wise and Post wise Qualifications & Experience Requirements carefully before proceeding to the on-line application form.
3. Vacancies for OBC category are meant only for those coming under the non-creamy layer. "Non Creamy Layer under OBC" means the gross annual income of parents of the candidate should not be more than 4.5 lakhs in the last three consecutive years. Candidates belonging to OBC Category but not covered under Non Creamy Layer should indicate their category as GENERAL.
4. For Maintenance reasons the Web service will not be available between 0.00 hrs and 01.00 hrs every day

Vananchal Gramin Bank Recruitment 2011 - Officer and Assistant Vacancies

Vananchal Gramin Bank (sponsored by State Bank of India) open online registration for Officer JMG Scale-I- Group “A” and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Group-“B” and link will remain till 25/07/2011. Selection of candidates will be on the performance of written test and personal interview. All important information about Vananchal Gramin Bank Recruitment 2011 are given below:

Important Dates to remember:

* Last Date for online registration: 25/07/2011

Date of Written Examinaton

* Officer JMG Scale-I- Group “A”: 04-09-2011
* Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Group-“B”: 11-09-2011

Vananchal Gramin Bank Recruitment 2011 details

Post Code

Number of Vacancies




Officer JMG Scale-I






Office Assistant (Multipurpose)







Pay Scale & Emoluments:

* Officer JMG Scale-I: 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700
* Office Assistants: 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/1-19300

Educational Qualification (As on 31.03.2011) :

Post Code-01 Officer Junior Management Scale-I

* Bachelor degree of a recognized University in any discipline or equivalent.Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisci culture, Agricultural Marketing and co- Operation, Information Technology, Management Law, Economics Accountancy.
* Proficiency in Local Language is required.
* Computer Knowledge or awareness will be preferred.

Post Code-02 Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

* Bachelor Degree or its equivalent of a recognized university in any discipline.
* (a) Essential : Proficiency in Local Language is required.
(b) Desirable Knowledge of Computer skills.

Age Limit

* Officer JMG Scale-I: Above 18 years but below 28 years
* Office Assistants: Between 18 years & 28 years
Relaxation as per rules.

Application Fee (For Post Code 01& 02) ( Non-refundable):

For SC/ST/Person with Disability Candidates

: Rs.100/- for each post (Postal Charges)
For all others

: Rs.400/- for each post (Including postal charges)

Payment of Fee: There are Challans available in our web site www.vananchalgraminbank.com for each Category, details of which are as follows:-

Post Code-01 Officer Scale-I

State Bank of India - Challan Form-01
Post Code-02 Office Assistant

State Bank of India - Challan Form-02

b) Candidates should download printout of one of the above Challan Form (as applicable to them for the post applied for) from the website of Bank viz. www.vananchalgraminbank.com

c) After filling up the required information on the Challan Form, they should make payment of the fee applicable to them in any branch of State Bank of India for credit of account.

SL No.


Account No.

Name of Account

Post Code-01


“Vananchal Gramin Bank” (Recruitment Project-2011 for Officer.)

Post Code-02


“Vananchal Gramin Bank” (Recruitment Project-2011 for Office Assistant)

and should keep the ‘Candidate’s Copy’ of the Challan with receipt of fees duly acknowledged thereon, with them for producing the same at the time of written test along with the latest passport size photograph pasted on the Challan and signed across by the candidate. Candidates claiming fee concession should also enclose photocopy of the relevant category certificate, along with the Challan.

Selection Procedure:

The Selection will be made on the basis of performance in written test and interview. All the eligible candidates who apply with the requisite fee and whose online applications are received in time and who fulfill the eligibility criteria will be called for a written test, which will be of objective type comprising the following:

POST CODE- 01 & 02 Officer Scale-I & Office Assistant

The selection of the candidates shall be on the basis of written test and interview.

Objective Tests:
Duration: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes
SL No.

Name of the Test

Medium of Exam

No. of questions

Maximum Marks

Test of Reasoning




Numerical Ability




General Knowledge



4 (a)

General English **



General Hindi**






Name of the test Centre and Codes

The written test will be scheduled at the following centres and the address of the venue will be advised in the call letter. List of written test centres with the centre codes is given below:

(Candidates appearing at the Centre)

Complete Address with Phone No. & Fax No.
DUMKA – Code 11

The General Manager ( Administration)
Vananchal Gramin Bank, Head Office, Municipality Chowk, Dumka. Phone No.06434-236170 Fax No.06434-222401

The General Manager,
Vananchal Gramin Bank, Daltonganj, Jharkhand, Phone No. 06562- 230769 Fax No. 06562-230769

The Branch Manager,
Vananchal Gramin Bank, Sahibganj Branch,
Phone No. 06436-222128

How to Apply

1. All eligible candidates should apply on-line through the link provided to our website www.vananchalgraminbank.com in the prescribed format from 07-07-2011. Please note that the last date for submission of on-.line application is 25-07-2011. Candidates should have a valid e-mail Id. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. This will help him / her in getting call letter / interview advices etc. under no circumstances he/she should share / mention e-mail ID / of any other person.
2. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line.
3. Candidates should fill up the application available after clicking the link given in the notification.
4. Branch Code and Branch Transaction Journal Number noted on the Challan form should be correctly filled in the application at appropriate place.
5. Application, after filling up all the mandatory fields and security check box, should be submitted by a click on the “submit” button.
6. All the mandatory fields (marked with *) should be filled in, otherwise the system will not accept the application.
7. The Candidates should note/remember the Registration Number and Password for future reference and use.
8. There is provision to modify the submitted online application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct the details in online application, if any. This modification facility shall be available after two days of registration and upto 27-07-2011. Modification will be allowed only three times. After the last date i.e. 27-07-2011. no modification will be permitted.
9. Please note that the above is the general procedure for applying on-line. No other mode of application or incomplete application will be accepted and in such case, the application will be rejected outright.
10. After applying on-line, the candidates should take a print out of the system generated on-line application form and retain it for future reference. They should not send this print out to the Bank, which they will have to submit at the time of interview.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Recruitment 2011 - www.svcbank.com

About the Bank
The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Ltd is the third largest co-operative bank in the country, professionally managed, technology driven and consistently profitable with excellent financial indicators. We have a history and tradition of 104 years, with the business mix of above Rs. 10500 crores spanning over 105 establishments spread all over India.

Recruitment Notice
The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Ltd now looking to appoint personnel for the following positions.

Candidate should preferably be a Chartered Accountant. He / she should be ideally around 45 years of age with minimum 15 years of experience in banking, of which atleast 7 years in a Senior Management position, with a major thrust on Credit. Candidate should contribute to finalization of targets for Advances? guide a team of officials in Credit Department for credit appraisal and achievement of targets, execute judicious credit appraisal of viable proposals/ exercise budgetary controls in the form of periodical review, contribute towards formation of Credit Policy of the Bank in conformity with the monetary policy of RBI.

Candidate to head the Retail Assets Division of the Bank. He /she should be ideally around 45 years of age with minimum 15 years of experience in handing the Retail Assets Portfolio in any Bank, of which a minimum of 5 years in the Senior Management position. Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty. Professional qualification such as C.A., C.S., I.C.W.A., M.B.A., will be preferred. The incumbent will be responsible for canvassing, planning and achieving business growth in Retail Assets.


Candidate to head International Banking Division of the Bank. He /she should be ideally around 45 years of age with minimum 15 years of having worked in Foreign Exchange Department / International Banking Division of any Bank, of which a minimum of 5 years in the Senior Management position. Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty. Professional qualifications would be an added advantage. The incumbent will be responsible for policy formulation, development and generation of foreign exchange business.

Candidate should be a Graduate in any faculty. He /she should be ideally around 40 years of age with minimum 10 years of experience in banking, of which atleast 3 years as Branch Manager of a large-sized Branch of any reputed Commercial Co-op Bank, with a major thrust on Credit.

Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty. Professional qualification such as C.A., C.S., I.C.W.A., M.B.A., will be preferred. He / she should be ideally around 38 years of age with minimum experience of 8 years in banking, of which at least 3 years as Manager in any reputed Commercial / Co-op Bank, with a major thrust on Credit.

Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty. Professional qualification such as C.A., C.S., I.C.W.A., M.B.A., will be preferred. He / she should be ideally around 38 years of age with minimum experience of 6 years in banking, of which at least 3 years as Assistant Manager / Manager in any reputed Commercial / Co-op Bank, with a major thrust on Credit.

Candidate should be a graduate in any faculty. He/she should be around 45 years of age with minimum experience of 10 years of Banking as Officer of which 5 years as Faculty in Training College of any Commercial / Co-operative Bank. Professional qualifications would be an added advantage.

Age limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the Management.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may send their application & detailed resume along with a latest passport size photograph and a separate attachment highlighting major achievements in functional areas in not more than 400 words, so as to reach the undersigned latest by July 15, 2011.

Deputy General Manager - HRM THE SHAMRAO VITHAL CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD 2nd Floor, Corporate Office, SVC Tower, J.N. Road, Vakola, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400055

Important link: Advertisement

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Common Entrance Exam for Banks PO / MT Online Apply at www.ibps.in Now

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Common Written Examination [CWE] For Recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees In 19 Public Sector Banks

The Banking sector in India is poised for a high trajectory growth with prospects for a bright career to thousands of new entrants. Here is a unique opportunity for aspirants for a career in 19 Public Sector Banks through a Single Common Examination

A Common Written Examination (CWE) will be conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) as a pre-requisite for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in the Public Sector Banks mentioned below.

This system of Common Examination for recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees has been approved by each of the 19 participating Public Sector Banks and the Managing Committee of the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) with the consent of the Government of India.

IBPS, an autonomous body registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 and a Public Trust under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, has been authorised by IBA and has received a mandate from the 19 Public Sector Banks listed below to conduct the Common Written Examination. The CWE for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts will be conducted twice a year by IBPS.


Allahabad Bank

Indian Overseas Bank
Andhra Bank

Oriental Bank of Commerce
Bank of Baroda

Punjab National Bank
Bank of India

Punjab & Sind Bank
Bank of Maharashtra

Syndicate Bank
Canara Bank

Union Bank of India
Central Bank of India

United Bank of India
Corporation Bank

UCO Bank
Dena Bank

Vijaya Bank
Indian Bank

An individual who aspires to join any of the above Public Sector Banks as a Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee will necessarily be required to take the CWE. Prospective candidates who wish to appear for the CWE will have to apply to IBPS and should carefully read the advertisement regarding eligibility criteria, online registration process, pattern of examination, issuance of call letters and score cards.

Candidates who appear for the CWE will be able to check their status after the examination. Scorecards will be issued to candidates who secure minimum qualifying marks and above in each test of the examination.

Each participating Public Sector Bank will independently issue a separate recruitment notification, specifying their vacancies and stipulating the eligibility criteria in terms of age, educational qualification, experience (if any), minimum required level of IBPS score in each component test plus Total Weighted Score (if any) etc.

Successful candidates in the CWE who have been issued scorecards and who meet the stipulated eligibility criteria are then required to apply to any of the participating banks they wish to, quoting their personal details and their CWE scores. Each bank will then individually shortlist candidates and carry out their own selection processes such as Group Discussions and/ or Interviews etc. for final selection.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (as on 01.07.2011)

Please note that the eligibility criteria specified is the basic criteria for applying to various Public Sector Banks. However merely applying for CWE/ appearing for the examination does not imply that a candidate will necessarily be eligible for employment in all or any of the 19 Public Sector Banks as each Bank will stipulate its own eligibility/ qualifying criteria.

Prospective Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the specified eligibility criteria before applying for the Common Written Examination (CWE):

I. Nationality / Citizenship: A candidate must be either -

* a Citizen of India or
* a subject of Nepal or
* a subject of Bhutan or
* a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
* a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

AGE LIMIT (As on 01.07.2011):

* Minimum: 20 Years Maximum: 30 Years
* The maximum age limit specified is applicable to General Category candidates. Relaxation as per government of India rules.


* A degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.


* Other detailed information regarding the written examination will be given in an Information Handout, on IBPS website which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letter.


* There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Test. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If the total of the penalty for a test is in fraction, the marks obtained will be rounded off to the nearest integer, i.e. if fraction exceeds by 0.50 or more, it will be rounded off to next higher integer. If for any question a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as wrong even if one of the given answers happens to be right and there will be the same penalty of 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question deducted as penalty. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.


* The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates will further be converted into standardized scores following Linear Conversion Method.


* Each candidate will have to secure a minimum standardized score in each of the tests to qualify in the written examination and to be considered for vacancies in the participating banks. The cut-off points will be decided based on the national average (National Average - V\ Standard Deviation for General category candidates and National Average - % Standard Deviation for Reserved Category candidates).


* IBPS will print the Score Cards for each of the qualifying candidates and will send the same by Registered/ Speed post to each candidate at the correspondence address specified in his/ her online application.


* Score Cards issued by IBPS will be valid for one year from the date of issue of the Score Card.
* Candidates can appear in subsequent examination(s) to enhance their scores if they so desire.


* The written examination will be conducted in venues across many centres in India. The list of Written Examination centres is available in Annexure I.
* IBPS, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres and/ or add some other Centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc.
* As far as possible candidates will be allotted to a centre of his/her choice however IBPS also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the Centre other than the one he/she has opted for.
* Candidate will appear in the written examination from a Examination Centre at his/her own risks and expenses and IBPS will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of any nature.
* No request for change of centre for Written Examination shall be entertained.


It is proposed to impart Pre-Examination Training to a limited number of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Minority Communities at some centers viz. Agartala, Agra, Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Allahabad, Aurangabad, Balasore, Bareilly, Bhubaneshwar, Behrampur (Ganjam), Bhopal, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dehradun, Dhanbad, Gulbarga, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Hubli, Indore, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jammu, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Karnal, Kavaratti, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai, Mangalore, Mumbai, Muzaffarpur, Mysore, Nagpur, New Delhi, Panaji (Goa), Patiala, Patna, Port Blair, Puducherry, Pune, Raipur, Rajkot, Ranchi, Rohtak, Sambalpur, Shimla, Siliguri, Shillong, Thiruchirapalli, Thiruvananthapuram, Tirupati, Varanasi, Vadodara, Vijaywada and Vishakhapatnam .

All eligible candidates who wish to avail of Pre-Examination Training should fill in the relevant column in the ON-LINE APPLICATION. All expenses regarding traveling, boarding, lodging etc. will have to be borne by the candidate for attending the pre-examination training programme at the designated Centers. IBPS, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Pre- Examination Training Centres and/ or add some other Centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc.

Merely attending Pre-Examination Training does not necessarily imply a candidate's right to be selected in any of the 19 participating Public Sector Bnaks mentioned.


* Candidates can apply online only from 09.07.2011 to 01.08.2011 and no other mode of application will be accepted. Pre-Requisites for Applying Online
* Before applying online, candidates should scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature are within the required specifications as given in Annexure II.
* keep the application fee remittance details (Transaction details such as NEFT UTR No., IFSC Code etc.) ready in case of cash payment through NEFT enabled branches of any of the 19 PSBs named/ Keep the necessary details/documents ready in order to make online payment of the requisite application fee.
* have a valid personal email ID, which should be kept active till the declaration of results of this round of CWE. IBPS may send call letters for Pre-Examination Training, Written Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID. Under no circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail ID to / of any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line and must maintain that email account .

Application Fees/ Intimation Charges (Payable from 08.07.2011 and 30.07.2011 boths dates inclusive)

* Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
* Rs.450/- for others

Transaction charges for NEFT/ Online Payment will have to be borne by the candidate

Mode of Payment

* ONLINE MODE of payment of requisite fees or
* OFFLINE MODE i.e. payment of fees through NEFT enabled branches of the 19 named Public Sector Banks

(1) Payment of fees via the ONLINE MODE

* The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions.
* The payment can be made by using only Master/ Visa Debit or Credit cards by providing information as asked on the screen.
* On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated.
* Candidates are required to take a print of the e-receipt which will have to be submitted with the Call Letter at the time of written examination.

OFFLINE MODE: Payment of Fees through NEFT enabled branches of the 19 named Public Sector Banks Candidates are required to fill the NEFT voucher as required by the Bank with beneficiary details as follows.

* Name of the Account : IBPS CWE- Officers' Cadre- 2011
* Account Number : 005120110000667
* Payee Bank : Bank of India
* IFSC Code : BKID0000051

Candidates can then make payment of the requisite fee. The NEFT payment receipt must be collected from the Bank where payment has been made.
Candidates should check that the receipt is properly signed and the details of NEFT UTR NO., IFSC code of the sending Bank branch, Name of the sending Bank, City name, Deposit date, Amount etc. are noted in the NEFT Payment Receipt by the Branch authorities.

Filling in the Online Application

* Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Category, Date of birth, Address, Email ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for Editing/ Updating the same. Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
* Candidates are first required to go to the IBPS's website www.ibps.in and click on the Home Page to open the link "Common Written Examination"
* Candidate is now ready to apply Online by clicking on the option "CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR CWE- PROBATIONARY OFFICER/ MANAGEMENT TRAINEES SEPTEMBER 2011" to open up the On-Line Application Form.
* The Application Format consists of two pages in case candidates are remitting their application fees through NEFT. However in case of payment of fees through online mode the Application Format will consist of three pages.
* Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the appropriate places very carefully and click on the "SUBMIT" button at the end of the Page 1 of the On-Line Application format. Before pressing the "SUBMIT" button, candidates are advised to verify every particular filled in the application. The name of the candidate or his /her father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
* On Page 2 of the online application format, candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature (Annexure II).
* After upload of photograph and signature, in case of candidates who have paid the requisite application fee through NEFT, a Registration Number and Password will be generated. Candidates should note their Registration Number and Password for future reference.
* In case candidates wish to pay fees through the online payment gateway after the upload of photograph and signature Page 3 of the application form is displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details.
* If the online transaction has been successfully completed a Registration Number and Password will be generated. Candidates should note their Registration Number and Password for future reference.
* If the online transaction has not been successfully completed then the following message is displayed 'Your online transaction was unsuccessful. Please register again' Candidates may then revisit the 'Apply Online' link and fill in their application details again.

After applying on-line, the candidate should immediately take a printout of the system generated on-line application form, ensure the particulars filled in are accurate and retain it for future reference. They should not send this print out to the
No acknowledgment will be given for online registration. However a Registration Number and Password will be generated and an email/ sms intimation will be sent to the candidate's email ID/ Mobile Number specified in the online application form. If candidates do not receive the email and sms intimations at the email ID/ Mobile number specified by them, they may consider that their online application has not been successfully registered.

An online application which is incomplete in any respect such as without the photograph and signature uploaded in the online application form will not be considered valid.

Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances AFTER THE LAST DATE FOR Editing/ Updating application details specified. IBPS will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application form. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the IBPS's website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam.

IBPS does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the IBPS.

Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
Any information submitted by an applicant in his/ her application will bind the candidate personally and if found to be false shall be liable for prosecution apart from consequences in civil law as may be deemed requisite.

Note: There is a provision to modify the submitted Online Application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct their details in the Online Application if any. This modification facility will be available up to 03.08.2011. After this date, no modification will be permitted. Candidates should take utmost care while filling in the Online Application. Please note that no modification in fee payment details will be permitted for candidates who pay fees through the online mode.

* The date of the Written Examination has been tentatively fixed for 18.09.2011 (Sunday). However, the date of Examination shall be intimated in the Call Letter along with the Centre/Venue address.
* All eligible candidates should download their call letter and Information Handout from the IBPS's website www.ibps.in by entering his / her details registration Number and Password/Date of Birth, after 04.09.2011. No hard copy of the call letter/ Information Handout will be sent by post.
* Candidates have to bring their call letter along with Original Fee Payment Receipt (e-receipt/ NEFT payment Receipt) and their photo identity proof in original as well as a photocopy while attending the written examination.

Identity Verification

In the examination hall, the call letter along with the Original Fee Payment Receipt (e-receipt/ NEFT payment Receipt) and a self attested photocopy of the candidate's photo identity such as PAN Card/ Passport/ Driver's Licence/ Voter's Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazzetted Officer/ People's Representative along with a photograph should be submitted to the invigilator for verification. The candidate's identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Written Examination.
Note: Candidates have to submit Original Fee Payment Receipt (e-receipt/ NEFT payment Receipt) and photocopy of the photo identity proof along with Examination Call Letter while attending the written examination, without which they will not be allowed to take up the examination.

This advertisement is also available on IBPS's website address www.ibps.in Candidates are advised to remain in touch with IBPS's website for any information which may be put for further guidance.
Decision of the IBPS in respect of all matters pertaining to this examination would be final and binding on all candidates.

Start date for Online Registration

Payment of Application Fees

08.07.2011 to 30.07.2011 (both days inclusive)
Last date for Online Registration

Last date for Editing Application Details

Download of Call letter for Written Examination

After 04.09.2011
Written Examination



The written examination will be held at the following centers and the address of the venue will be advised in the call letters:
State Code

State /UT


Andaman & Nicobar

Port Blair

Andhra Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh



Dibrugarh Guwahati Jorhat Silchar







Dadra & Nagar Haveli


Daman & Diu

Bulsar Jamnagar






Hissar Karnal Panchkula Rohtak

Himachal Pradesh


Jammu & Kashmir



Bokaro Dhanbad Jamshedpur Ranchi


Belgaum Bengaluru Gulbarga Hubli







Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal Gwalior Indore Jabalpur


Aurangabad Kolhapur Mumbai Nagpur
Pune Solapur









New Delhi

New Delhi

































Uttar Pradesh












West Bengal

Berhampur (West Bengal)




Important link: Complete Notice

Read more: http://www.recruitment4u.in/2011/07/common-written-examination-cwe.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+-GovternmentJobs+%28Govternment+Jobs+-+Recruitment+2011%29#ixzz1ROpUJolp


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