Applicants for a job opening are always greater than the number of
positions available, irrespective of the state of the
economy. It is always the survival of the fittest, and it is often small mistakes that can cost you the job. A face-to-face interview is the litmus test that many around the world fail to pass.
If you have not been getting a response from employers after an interview, or you are preparing to face the litmus test for the first time, here are 5 most common job interview mistakes that you would do well to avoid.
1.Trying to fit in to the expectations of the employer
It is by far the most common job interview mistake committed by candidates. As humans, we have an innate tendency to be accepted, and we often lie our way to it. But one simple lie leads to hundreds others, and eventually, you are caught. HR professionals are skilled at catching lies. In fact, that’s the first thing they do in a job interview- separate the genuine candidates from the liars.
Don’t try to put on a garb just to seek acceptance from the interviewer. Be yourself and speak of situations as they are. Even if you were fired from your last job, don’t hide it from your potential employer. Interviewers are humans too, and they understand difficulties and situations of working in an organization.
2. Asking no questions, or asking dumb ones
An employer expects you be research a little bit about the company and the industry before you come for the interview. When we research something, we often have our doubts and our questions. Surprisingly though, most candidates fail to put enough hard work in the research part. The end result- they fail to ask relevant questions, or end up asking dumb questions at the end of the interview. Make sure you avoid that mistake.
When you get the chance, always ask questions that make the interviewer think a little.
3. Rambling rather than answering
When an interviewer asks a question, he expects a concise, well articulated response. A to the point answer shows you are confident, and organizations are always looking for confident employees. When answering a question, you need to know when to stop. And you need to avoid the rambling pitfall that interviewers lay there purposely. Most times, when you finish answering, the interviewer will pause for a moment, expecting you to go further.
Don’t fall in that trap. Just remain confident and ask the interviewer politely whether he would like to know something else.
4. Not taking your CV with you
When you read it, it seems like a common thing to do. You need to take your CV and your documents along when you are going for an interview. But 60% of the candidates forget to take it along, or don’t bother taking it along.
Even if you have already sent your CV via e-mail, always take it along when going for an interview. Make sure it is neatly printed on an A4 size sheet, and do not fold it. Keep it safe in a folder with the rest of the documents. It shows that you are organized and serious about the job.
5. Speaking ill of the last employer
It is one of the most common reasons why employers reject a candidate. When you bad mouth your previous employer, it shows that you lack integrity and loyalty. No organization wants an employee who is not trustworthy.