Recruitment for the Asstt. Points Man/ Khalasi/ Box Porter post
Last Date: 30 September 12
Eligibility: Certificate Course (ITI)
Location: Allahabad
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test.
Employment Notice No.: 01/2012 Dated: 11.08.2012
North Central Railway , recruiting applications for the post of Asstt. Points Man/ Khalasi/ Box Porter
Cat No. | Posts | Department | No. of Post |
1 | Asstt. Points Man, Porter, Peon cum Porter, Safaiwala | Operating | 285 |
2 | Box Porter | Operating | 9 |
3 | Trackman | Engineering | 950 |
4 | Helper Engg./Work | Engineering | 18 |
5 | Helper (Tele & Signal) | S&T | 124 |
6 | Parcel Porter, Catering Khalasi, Safaiwala | Commercial | 32 |
7 | Hospital Attendant, Anti Maleria Khalasi, Safaiwala | Medical | 42 |
8 | Helper Mech. C&W/DSL/Loco | Mechanical | 176 |
9 | Helper Electrical TRD/TRS/TL | Electrical | 131 |
10 | Helper Electrical (General) | Electrical | 68 |
11 | Helper Workshop | Mechanical | 54 |
12 | Khalasi | Stores (Dy. CMM/JHS | 54 |
13 | Office Khalasi | Personnel, General Administation | 22 |
Qualification : 10 Class or ITI or equivalent from a recognized Educational Institution/Board. Those candidates who are appearing in and/or awaiting results of final examination of class 10th are not eligible. Academic qualification must be from recognized educational institution/Board, otherwise candidature will be rejected. Candidates having higher educational qualifications may also apply
Age Limit : For all the above vacancies, the age will be 18 to 33 years and will be reckoned as on 01.01.2013.
Grade Pay : Rs. 1800/-
Examination Fee : The examination fee for unreserved and OBC candidate is Rs. 40/- (Rs. Forty only). All women candidates, SC/ST/Muslims/Christians/Sikhs Buddhists/Zorastrians (Parsis) candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. Economically backward class candidates whose family income is less than Rs. 50,000 per annum are exempted from examinations fees (They have to produce income certificate on letter head in prescribed format as shown in Annexure 'VI & VII ') The examination fee should be paid in the form of crossed Demand Draft/ Bank Draft from any Nationalized Bank or IPO from any Post Office in favour of “Dy. CPO-Recruitment, Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway Allahabad” payable at “Allahabad”. Validity of Demand Draft/Bank Draft/ IPO should be minimum six months. Application received with cash/cheque/Central Recruitment Stamps and Money orders will not be accepted and will be treated as rejected. Indian Postal Orders/Bank Drafts/Demand Draft issued before the date of issue of Employment Notice will not be accepted and the application form will be treated as rejected. The candidates are advised to write their name and address on the backside of the Bank Draft/DD/IPO and enclose it with the application form in original on the top. The details of examination fee may be written in application form. Examination fee is not refundable under any
Selection Procedure : The selection will consist of a written examination followed by physical efficiency test to assess the candidate's fitness for the post(s), Original document verification and Medical Examination.
How to apply
Candidates should carefully read the instructions for filling up application format. Application should be made on a good quality white A-4 (210x297mm) size paper on a single sheet using ONE SIDE ONLY. The candidate should use the same format published in the Employment Notice. The candidates have to fill up required information in his or her own handwriting. The application should be written either in English or Hindi not in any other language duly dated and signed by him/her. Application filled in any language other than Hindi/English and by any person other than the applicant and having any change in the format of application will lead to rejection of application. The candidates should send his application duly filled in all respect along with required documents by ORDINARY POST ONLY, so as to reach Railway Recruitment Cell, office on or before the closing date positively. Application received after closing date, for any reason whatsoever, will not be considered. Speed post / Courier / Registered AD will not be acknowledged. Such. Applications will be deemed to have been deposited in the box provided at RAILWAY RECRUITMENT CELL, Office, North Central Railway, Allahabad for this purpose. Those candidates who are debarred from appearing in any of the RRBs/RRCs exam need not apply unless their debaration period expires up to closing date. Their application shall not be entertained. Application may be sent by ordinary post to
“Assistant Personnel Officer, Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway, Balmiki Chauraha, Nawab Yusuf Road, Allahabad' so as to reach on or before closing dated i.e. 30/09/2012Closing date: 30.09.2012 up to 18.00 hrs.
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