Eligibility : Any Graduate
Location : Maharashtra-other
Job Category : Govt Sector, BSc/BCA/BCM, Bank
Last Date : 12 Dec 2013
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Written-test and Interview
Maharashtra Gramin Bank invites application for the post of Officer Scale-I/Office Assistant
Eligibility Criteria : Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-II Advertisement published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 6th July – 12th July, 2013 released by IBPS and posted on the IBPS’s
Sl.No. | Name of Post | No. of Post | Pay Scale |
SC | ST | OBC | General | Total |
1 | Officer Scale-III | - | - | - | 03 | 03 | Rs. 52081/- |
2 | Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) | 03 | 02 | 06 | 09 | 20 | Rs. 39314/- |
3 | Officer Scale-II (IT) | 01 | - | 02 | 06 | 09 | Rs. 39314/- |
4 | Officer Scale-II (CA) | - | - | - | 01 | 01 | Rs. 39314/- |
5 | Officer Scale-II (Law) | - | - | - | 01 | 01 | Rs. 39314/- |
6 | Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager) | - | - | - | 01 | 01 | Rs. 39314/- |
7 | Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer) | - | - | - | 01 | 01 | Rs. 39314/- |
8 | Officer Scale-I | 16 | 10 | 29 | 55 | 110 | Rs. 29384/ |
9 | Office Assistant (Multipurpose) | 20 | 19 | 45 | 85 | 169 | Rs. 17267/- |
Probation Period : 1) Candidates selected for the post of Officer Scale-I, II, III will be put on Probation for a period of 2 years which can be extended for a further period not exceeding 1 year. 2) Candidates selected for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) will be put on probation for a period of 1 year which can be extended for a further period not exceeding 6months
Bond Amount : Candidates selected for appointment to the cadre of Officer Scale-I Scale II, &Scale III have to execute a bond agreeing to pay to the Bank a sum of Rs.25000/- Rs.50000/- & Rs.50000/- respectively, PLUS training cost, if any, in the event of their leaving the Bank’s job within a period of two years from the date of their joining. Similarly, candidates selected for appointment to the cadre of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) have to execute a bond agreeing to pay to the Bank a sum of 10000 /-Plus training
costs, if any, in the event of their leaving the Bank’s job within a period of 1 year from the date of their joining. This will be in addition to the provisions of regulation 10 of Maharashtra Gramin Bank (Officers and Employees) Service Regulations-2010
Selection Procedure : For Office Assistant (Multipurpose):- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. For Officer Scale-I:- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category
Interview Center : The Interview will be held at the Maharashtra Gramin Bank, Regional Office, Aurangabad and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Bank’s website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews.
Note : Bank reserves the right to cancel the centre and/or add some other centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. Bank also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the centres other than the one he/she has opted for
How to apply
Candidates should apply Online between 27.11.2013 and 12.12.2013