- Chemist (Quality Assurance) Initial appointment will be on consolidated pay for a period of two years. Rs. 9500/- during first year and Rs.10,500/- during second year and thereafter absorbed on Scale of pay of Rs. 9250—25700
Vacancies - 1 - Sales Officer - 12600—32500
Vacancies - 8 - Process Technician. Initial appointment will be on consolidated pay for a period of two years. - 9500/- during first year and - 10,500/- during second year and thereafter absorbed on Scale of pay of - 9250—25700
Vacancies - 1 - Technician (Mechanical) Thermal Initial appointment will be on consolidated pay of -9400/- for a period of one year After one year, Scale of pay of - 9250—25700
Vacancies - 1
Chief Manager (HR)-E, Human Resources
Department, Fedo Building, The Fertilisers and Chemicals
Travancore Limited, Udyogamandal, Kerala, Pin. -683501.
View advt and application form: http://fact.co.in/SPLREC.pdf